
The Progress on the Process

Are any of you wondering "Where are the time lapse photos?"
Yeah, me too. It's much more complicated than I anticipated.
The Brinno set up in the car.
Ever evolving configurations of foam and duct tape hold it in place.
Sometimes it stays at true horizontal.
Other days it tilts.
The worst day a piece of foam could be seen for many many miles.
Downloading the Brinno's SD card into the laptop is easy and VERY fast.
Then the time consuming part begins.

If I were to proceed with my original concept, I would need to manually scroll through the time-lapse videos to choose captures that I like. Then I would grab a screen shot and convert it into a jpg to transfer over to my iPad. There, I could apply the Waterlogue App effects to the image.
Laptop, iPad, SD card, card reader for iPad
Screen grab. I-10 in El Paso, looking across the border to Cuidad Juarez
Waterlogue version
Frankly, my digital point and shoot takes better captures (although it's more hazardous):
What can I say. It's a learning process.

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