2014 EDGE journal

----- COMING SOON EVENTUALLY! ------- I PROMISE!!!!! -----
Currently, the posts are going to a private group in Facebook. If you are part of the IFJM Group, look on the upper left list for Photos, then click on Albums, the album is called IFJM 2018 by Enid. [Group retired by owner as of 3/2019].

Please be patient!
I WILL get this finished before the next big trip in 2019 2024: circumnavigating Canada!

Deliberating on how to present this. I think ultimately, it will be a slide show? A book?
Happy to report that I got the first day's writing and ephemera into the book.
Finally! [5/5/18]

So, separate blog posts for each journal day until I get the darn thing done!
Linking them all here as a table of contents:

(Linkup closed)

[6-5-19] NOTE: InLinkz has changed how we can edit our links, so I AM posting the journal again but visual links will have to wait until it's all completed.
Hopefully before I circumnavigate Canada in 2024!
[8-4-19] Can't read my handwriting? I am now transcribing the handwriting to typed text for my Patreon subscribers. The $1/month level will get you access. [Thanks for the support]

In the meantime, here are nonvisual links for dates after the ones above:
4.1-4.3 Sulfur > New Orleans, LA
4.3 NOLA > Panama City, FL
4.4 Panama City > Fort Myers, FL

next up on Patreon only
4.5 Fort Myers > Homestead, via Key West, FL

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